The Family Pantry of Cape Cod provides food and clothing to those in need. They welcome people of every age, race, color, national origin, religion, residence, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, veteran, or any other status.
The Cape and Islands United has supported The Family Pantry through community impact grants for the past five years. The have a large site in Harwich which they are quickly outgrowing, given the rising need on Cape Cod. They have a massive team that works in all four areas of their organization – the mobile food pantry, the thrift shop, a satellite office at Cape Cod Community Collage, and the main food pantry in Harwich.
Chris Menard runs the Pantry, which serves more than 10,000 people each year from Barnstable to Provincetown.
Chris runs the Family Pantry like a well-oiled machine. She’s got the experience, vision and talent needed to manage this operation that serves, with dignity, so many people in our community.
Like Faith Family Kitchen, who we highlighted last month, The Family Pantry focuses on providing healthy, sustaining food. Over 25% of the food is fresh, and they offer programs to help people with chronic diseases through their Foods to Encourage program. This program is led by Barnstable County public health nurses and provides free simple health screenings for visitors.
Chris also co-chairs the Cape Cod Hunger Network to share resources, knowledge and ideas with others working with food insecure individuals and families.
When you approach their buildings on Queen Anne Road, it looks like a warehouse or industrial complex. But when you step inside, you will be greeted by some of the warmest and friendliest individuals you’ll ever meet. There’s an immediate sense that everyone there is part of something special.
The Family Pantry of Cape Cod has been around for 30 years – and with Chris’ vision and strategic thinking – we are excited to see where the Pantry will go in the next 30. We are proud partners.
Here is a snapshot of the impact this incredible organization makes in our community. Information provided by The Family Pantry of Cape Cod.