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Give the gift of reading aloud

Updated: May 6, 2019

Reading aloud is one of the most important things you can do to prepare your child to succeed in school and in life. Which s just one of the reasons the Cape and Islands United Way is proud to participate in Reach Out and Read.

Right now, Barnes & Noble in the Cape Cod Mall is partnering with us on a Reach Out and Read book drive! Donate a book through December 31st, and give the gift of reading aloud to a local child.

Why is reading aloud so important?

Reading is the foundation for all learning, yet...

  • 50% of Massachusetts’ children are unable to read proficiently by fourth grade.

  • For our low-income children, this statistic rises to an alarming 71% of children who are unable to read proficiently by fourth grade.

  • In low-income areas, only 1 book is available for every 300 children.

The Reach Out and Read solution

Reach Out and Read gives young children a foundation for success by incorporating books into pediatric care and encouraging families to read aloud together.

  1. EDUCATION: Pediatricians trained in our model of early literacy development provide parents with age-appropriate guidance about books and reading at regular pediatric visits.

  2. BOOKS: From infancy through five years, the child is given a brand new book to take home.

  3. ENGAGEMENT: Parents incorporate advice received from pediatric visits and make reading aloud part of their daily routines.

  4. SCREENING: The book is given at the beginning of the visit and used as a developmental surveillance tool.

Reading aloud is fun. It's a chance to have special time with a child. And it helps children learn lots of new words.

Reach Out and Read Outcomes

Amazing things happen when children are exposed to reading!

  • Parents are 2.5x more likely to read to their children.

  • Parents are 2x more likely to read to their children more than three times a week.

  • Families are 2.5x more likely to enjoy reading together or have books in the home.

  • Children’s language ability improves with increased exposure to Reach Out and Read.

  • Children’s language development is improved by3-6 months.

* Information compiled from Reach Out and Read Massachusetts infographic handout.

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Physical address

396 Main Street, Suite 12

Hyannis, MA 02601

Mailing address

Cape and Islands United Way

P.O. Box 2161

Hyannis, MA 02601



Need help and don’t know where to turn? 

A partner of the Cape and Islands United Way, Mass 2-1-1 is here to answer your calls 24/7. They are a human services help hotline that will direct you to the services in your area that are appropriate for your needs. Call Now: Dial 2-1-1

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