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Creating Housing Stability

Every individual should be safely housed.

Strategy 1:
Prevent homelessness

What this means:

We assist vulnerable individuals and families with basic needs while also providing pathways to self-sufficiency.

Desired Community Outcomes
  • Increased efficacy in case management services to prevent homelessness and achieve housing stability

  • Increased number of persons who increase their income and/or access benefits

  • Increased number of persons who move from homelessness to permanent housing solutions

  • Increased staff trained in best practices

Strategy 2:
Encourage innovative pathways to housing

What this means:

We move individuals from homelessness to housing by funding permanent and innovative housing solutions that support the community. 

Desired Community Outcomes
  • Expansion of a more diverse year-round housing stock through weatherization, accessibility modifications, repairs etc.

  • Increased first time homebuyers and ready renters

  • Increased community knowledge of affordable housing issues and solutions

  • Increased staff trained in innovative housing solutions and best practices

The annual cost of living for a family of 2 parents with 1 child is $90,250. 

Economic Policy Institute, Family Budget Calculator, 2018

37% of housing on Cape Cod is for seasonal use, compared to the state average of 4%, limiting options for year-round residents.

Cape Cod Commission, 2017

40% of Barnstable County home owners spend more than 30% of their annual income on housing costs.

Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands, Inc. 2014

On Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket, a family earning the median owner's income of $56,000 would find nothing to purchase without using equity from an existing home.

Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands, Inc. 2014


Physical address

396 Main Street, Suite 12

Hyannis, MA 02601

Mailing address

Cape and Islands United Way

P.O. Box 2161

Hyannis, MA 02601



Need help and don’t know where to turn? 

A partner of the Cape and Islands United Way, Mass 2-1-1 is here to answer your calls 24/7. They are a human services help hotline that will direct you to the services in your area that are appropriate for your needs. Call Now: Dial 2-1-1

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