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​Your gift to the Cape and Islands United means you are investing in programs that change lives and build stronger communities. With one donation, you are investing in programs that provide care for the elderly, after school programs for children, affordable housing, food and utilities for people struggling to make ends meet – and so much more.  100% of donations raised here stay at work in our community. 

Make a Donation

Your generosity makes so many things possible. We invest your money responsibly in our community, funding initiatives in which children succeed, families are economically stable, residents are healthy, and there is more safe, accessible and affordable housing.

Become a Corporate Sponsor

Cape & Islands United Way works with a variety of corporate sponsors in a multitude of ways, including in-kind product donations, event sponsorships, monetary donations and social media campaigns.


Interested in sponsoring an event? Our flagship annual events are where our community comes together and shines! More than one-third of the funds we distribute to our community is raised at our events, and as a sponsor, your generosity has a direct impact on improving the lives of our friends and neighbors. To learn more about the benefits of sponsorship, contact Evy Nelson at

Join Our Business United Circle

Invest in making the community you serve a better place for your employees and customers to work and live. Your support helps United Way provide free, life-changing programs and services to families on Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket in the key impact areas of health, education, housing, economic stability and basic needs.


Image by Harli  Marten
Legacy Giving

When you include the Cape and Islands United Way in your estate planning, you are leaving a legacy of hope and making a lasting change in the lives of future generations. All legacy gifts support the Cape and Islands United Way endowment – ensuring that your gift keeps giving to your community in perpetuity.


A bequest is the simplest way to make a lasting gift – and amendments can easily be added to your existing will without the need to re-do the entire document. To make a gift to the Cape and Islands United Way through your will, please use the following language: “I give the sum of $_________ dollars to the Cape and Islands United Way for its general purposes without restriction.” (Alternately, you may wish to stipulate a percentage of your estate.)


We are happy to work with you, your family, and your advisers on a confidential basis to ensure a future gift that meets your needs. For more information about making a bequest, donating life insurance, or funding a charitable gift annuity, please contact Mark Skala.

Image by Nik MacMillan
Donor Advised Fund

We are happy to work with you, your family, and your advisors on giving through a Donor Advised Fund. 


If you have a donor advised fund, DAF Direct enables you to recommend grants to the Cape and Islands United Way directly from your DAF.


If you would like help, we are happy to work with you, your family, and your advisers on giving through a Donor Advised Fund.

Stock Exchange
Donate Securities, IRA Rollovers or Cryptocurrency

For stock donation instructions, please contact the Cape and Islands United Way President & CEO, Mark Skala by email or phone at 508-775-4746.


Now that the Individual Retirement Account (IRA) charitable rollover has been made permanent, you may wish to consider making a gift of IRA assets to the Cape and Islands United Way. This provision allows American taxpayers ages 70.5 and older to donate up to and including $100,000 from their IRAs each year without having to treat the withdrawals as taxable income. For more information, contact your financial advisor.


CIUW may accept gifts of cryptocurrency and other forms of digital assets after appropriate due diligence is performed to determine that the donor is acceptable to CIUW, and that the asset is able to be transferred and liquidated.  Any such cryptocurrency donations that meet this criteria will be sold upon receipt.  CIUW will establish a third-party account relationship whereby any cryptocurrency donations will be received and sold on CIUW's behalf, with US $ proceeds remitted to CIUW at the settlement of the sales transaction.


Physical address

396 Main Street, Suite 12

Hyannis, MA 02601

Mailing address

Cape and Islands United Way

P.O. Box 2161

Hyannis, MA 02601



Need help and don’t know where to turn? 

A partner of the Cape and Islands United Way, Mass 2-1-1 is here to answer your calls 24/7. They are a human services help hotline that will direct you to the services in your area that are appropriate for your needs. Call Now: Dial 2-1-1

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