Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
At the Cape and Islands United Way, our vision and mission reflect our fundamental belief that all people belong and deserve fairness, justice, and inclusivity.
Our strength comes from our diversity and we celebrate the visible and invisible qualities that make each person unique, including race, gender, age, sexuality, ability, religion, national origin, gender identity, and other identities.
We commit to aligning our culture and business practices to be a beacon of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging for all people.
Nurture a Diverse,
Equity-Minded Workforce
Tell Stories Centered on
People and Systems
Nurture a Diverse,
Equity-Minded Board
Build Equity-Minded Structures, Cultures, and Systems
Design Programs and Policies that are Targeted and Universal
Achieving United Way’s mission means being an equity leader and striving for outcomes that reflect a more inclusive global society. As we articulate what the modern United Way looks like, we must:
Have a dual focus on operationalizing equity internally and in our community work
Include and prioritize the voices of those most affected
Ensure that decision making is transparent and involves staff and communities who are most affected
Be informed by history and data
Be creative and non-linear
Provide continuous training to refine knowledge, commitment, skills, practice and reflection
Acknowledge that successful outcomes will manifest in different forms, including better internal policies, stronger community results, and improved relationships and processes
Involve CEOs, board leadership and members, and our entire staff
Be about action as well as talk